Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What are REALLY trying to cure?

Reading a study on depression and IBS relationship with pupil dilation at presentation of negative information--- I came accross this quote:

"Depressed youths potentially demonstrate affective blunting, emotional avoidance, or a failure to regulate emotion after exposure to negative emotional information."

(Sorry can't link it's study as it's available through school)

Perhaps if you were to pull up the demographic of levels of shittiness in the lives of "depressed youth" you might find this response to be appropriate. You're trying to fix the wrong problem- YO. It's possible that the problem is not "the kids respond too much to negative"--- perhaps the problem is that the kids have adapted to too much negative existing in their reality.

Perhaps that's a factor in the development of IBS to begin with. Seeing as like everything in world cures IBS--- i.e. placebos seems to cure the shit out of IBS, perhaps that's actually what we should be researching and seeking "cures" for--- unhealthy environments--

What are they and how to assist families in achieving healthy relationships?

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