Monday, January 31, 2011

A rant about Bi-Polar and Hypersexuality: You're Not Normal

I have always been a horny motherfucker. Look, I'll just be honest. And in taking a few psych classes and hearing teachers procclaim with certainty, "young children are not orgasmic and their play is not actually sexual" I kind of got to wondering... so what the fuck was up with having orgasms every night since I was five? Not going with suppressed molestation as there is really nothing of significance to suggest this is a solid possibility.

So what's up? This isn't normal? I've talked to many women who say this was their experience as well, and I've talked to many women who say this is not their experience at all and clearly I was hypersexual child for some mysterious reason. We could go into sexual fantasies about machines but that'll take up a whole post and would detract from the point I want to make here.

This article comes up about vasoppressin and oxytocin in hypersexuality and many other things and of course I can't read it (grrr) but I have to mention:

"Future studies should profitably focus on pharmacogenomic and genomic imaging strategies facilitated by the ease and efficacy of manipulating AVP-OXT neurotransmission by intranasal administration."

Why, oh why, does it always have to be pharmaceuticals and gene manipulation? If I read one more sentence saying, "This opens up fascinating possibilities for genetic therapies" I will puke. (That's going to mean I'll be doing a lot of puking.) Genetic therapies are the trend right now but I don't believe we're in the clear for safety. Nor are we with pharmaceuticals. With all of these diseases we are looking at chain reactions of responses from entire systems of organs and glands and brain regions. If you're not addressing the root of the problem, it won't be fixed. You can give someone lithium to reduce brain inflammation and reduce bi-polar systems, but if in doing so you're fucking up the liver and adding to inflammation there, you're chain reaction of responses will ultimately be causing more inflammation in the body. Fighting fire with fire?

But a quick search turns up that hypersexuality is claimed to be a diagnostic factor in a controversial new diagnosis called "childhood bipolar disorder". I have big problems with childhood bipolar disorder diagnosing but for the sake of time we'll focus on this hypersexual/bipolar connection nonsense.

"Hypersexuality was significantly less common than any other symptom or associated feature of mania, and it manifested in fewer than half of all cases in all samples with relevant data."

Hmmm. Ok so it's not particularly common, why then are we dooming masturbating kids to a bipolar diagnosis? I find it interesting that in studies like these they spend a lot of time focusing on symptomology, claim this symptomology is "biological" and spend absolutely ZERO time on what is happening in the brain and body biologicaly.

Aren't scientists missing something here? If this is a biological problem why aren't we studying how inflammation in the liver, brain, wherever is affecting these symptoms? Why aren't we studying the levels of neurochemicals? Why aren't we doing brain research on this phenomena? Why are we just hurtling meds at people without studying WHAT IS GOING ON IN THE BODY?

If this is a biological condition-- than this is a field for neurobiologists. Psychologists can step the fuck down. But neurologists don't want this because the reality is that these issues are a complex interaction of environment, biological processes and emotions that may not BE rooted in biology. Biology may be AFFECTED but in order for the root cause to be a biological malfunction you're still going to need to find a cause for the malfunction. Find the genes, find the organs that are struggling. What areas of the brain are functioning differently and what is setting them off course in the environment meaning, diet-family life-social life-exposure to toxins-allergic reactions in body-lower functioning digestive system, hormones------

What is going on?

Since scientists seem so determined to continue throwing drugs at people rather finding out what in their environments, diet, activities, social lives, and hobbies could improve their health-- I'ma have to do this research myself.

It sucks that I suck at research don't it? That'll just have to change.

And another key point--- what if hypersexual kids develop differently because they feel bad about themselves? What if their entire sense of self is confused because they are exploring their sexuality when others aren't and they are being shamed for it? What if hypersexual kids are having an allergic reaction and using their sexuality to give a relaxation response in their system? (Not to be all TMI but masturbation totally lowers my allergic symptoms). What if masturbating a lot in and off itself changes hormones in the body and the neurochemistry itself? Where is the exploration of the myriad ways that "symptomology" could be rooted in different things and setting of chain reactions in the body and brain?

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